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Sidst rettet
4/10 2022
AOF Esbjerg
Hededammen 5
6705 Esbjerg Ø
Tlf: 70202377 Fax: 75142788
Yderligere information: Hjemmeside

Undervisning og vejledning til alle interesserede. Vi bor på en sidevej til Hedelundsvej, drej ind ved Toyota

Viser 1 event fra/efter 11. maj 2024

Business English (online)
Virtuel | Webinar

Business English (online)

Torsdag den 25. januar til torsdag den 16. maj 2024, 14 mødegange kl. 19-20.45.
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Webinar , Esbjerg Ø
Arrangør:AOF Kolding
This course is for you if: - you can understand English and can talk about your family, work, hobbies, shopping and travelling. you use English at work for routine tasks, but you find it difficult to talk about more complex matters. You find it challenging to summarise or give an opinion on more complex matters.

The aim of this course is to help you to:
handle most everyday situations in your job with confidence.
express opinions, reason and provide summaries.
widen your English vocabulary (words and expressions), so that you can express yourself more effectively by using a wider variety of words and phrases.
understand more complex grammar areas and use them effectively when you are speaking
pronounce more tricky and difficult words correctly
During this course, we will concentrate primarily on conversations in English. To make sure everyone gets enough time to talk in English, we will use small breakout rooms of 2-3 people for most of our discussions.

We will choose our topics together, based on what you need as a group. These could be for example:
speaking English with clients and colleagues,
speaking English in meetings,
speaking English at a job interview,
making a presentation in English, and
writing emails in English

Underviser: Eva Woodhouse
Hold: 4724106000