I dag

Fælleslæsning for dig på barsel - Ry

Fælleslæsning for dig på barsel - Ry

Er du på barsel, og har du brug for en lille pause? Så kom med til fælleslæsning på Ry Bibliotek.
Gratis billetter
Er du på barsel, og har du brug for en lille pause? Så kom med til fælleslæsning på Ry Bibliotek.

Med udgangspunkt i skønlitteraturen dykker vi hver gang ned i en kort tekst og et digt, der handler om det at blive forældre. Holdet foregår på de smås præmisser, og der er altid mulighed for at gå til og fra for at give mad, skifte osv.

Til fælleslæsning er der ingen forberedelse fra gang til gang. Lærke, som er litteraturformidler og læseguide læser højt, og undervejs holder vi pauser og snakker om det, vi læser. Vi deler forundring, tanker og følelser, der umiddelbart dukker op, når vi læser sammen. Vi vil sidde et uforstyrret sted med bløde underlag til de små og kaffe og lidt sødt til de voksne.

Der er begrænset antal pladser i gruppen. Du tilmelder dig ved at booke en gratis billet. Bemærk: Din tilmelding gælder for alle fire gange.

Sidste frist for tilmelding er 5. april.

Vi mødes fire tirsdage på følgende datoer:

9. april

23. april

7. maj

21. maj

Alle gange mødes vi i foredragssalen på Ry Bibliotek kl. 9-10:30

Det er ikke altid let at komme ud af døren med en baby. Hvis du er blevet forhindret i at deltage på en given dato, så meld gerne afbud til Lærke på tlf. 40427752.
Rundvisning på FLOK - Det nye hus for frivillighed og fællesskab

Rundvisning på FLOK - Det nye hus for frivillighed og fællesskab

Flok - det nye hus for Frivillighed og Fællesskab for alle borgere i Skanderborg Kommune. Du kan nu få en rundvisning i huset og høre om nogle af de fantastiske muligheder, huset kommer til at tilbyde.
Flok - det nye hus for Frivillighed og Fællesskab for alle borgere i Skanderborg Kommune. Du kan nu få en rundvisning i huset og høre om nogle af de fantastiske muligheder, huset kommer til at tilbyde.

Huset er indrette med forskellige værksteder: smykke-, træ-, krea-, tekstil- og keramik/mosaik- øsamt et atelier. Derudover er der en café, et bevægelsesrum, en legehule, en dagligstue samt forskellige mødelokaler. Kort sagt gode rammer for masser af aktiviteter og fællesskaber.

Aktiviteten og livet i huset skabes af de, der bruger det. Et vigtigt element på FLOK er derfor frivilligheden, og huset har allerede nu flere frivilliggrupper. En af grupperne hedder Fællesskabsværterne - det vil være dem, der tager godt imod gæster og brugere af huset. Og det er dem, der er guider på denne rundvisning.

Varighed ca. 1 time. Efter rundvisningen bydes på en kop kaffe i Café FLOK.

Mødested: Rundvisningen starter ved hovedindgangen til FLOK, Dyrehaven 10e. Bygningen kan være lidt svær at finde, men er den bygning, der ligger ved siden af den nye ' Børnehuset Dyrehaven'.
Babysalmesang Hold 2

Babysalmesang Hold 2

Nano Basket (u6)

Nano Basket (u6)

Husk at medbringe idrætstøj samt indendørs sko og en drikkedunk.
Husk at medbringe idrætstøj samt indendørs sko og en drikkedunk.


Arrangeret af Skovby sportsklub.
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U11 minibasket

U11 minibasket

Træning ligger vægt på at det skal være sjovt men også udviklende så man bliver bedre til at spille basketball.
Træning ligger vægt på at det skal være sjovt men også udviklende så man bliver bedre til at spille basketball.


Arrangeret af Skovby sportsklub.
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Easybasket U8

Easybasket U8

Husk at medbringe idrætstøj samt indendørs sko og en drikkedunk.
Husk at medbringe idrætstøj samt indendørs sko og en drikkedunk.


Arrangeret af Skovby sportsklub.
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Foredrag ved Nana Hauge

Foredrag ved Nana Hauge

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
Læs mere
Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

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Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
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Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

Ig Nobel Prize (via livestream fra Aarhus Universitet)

The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.
Fri entré
The Ig Nobel Prize is awarded for "peculiar research" that at first makes us laugh and then think deeply. Attend this lecture for a humour-filled dive into the prize-winning research. Meet Marc Abrahams and some of the recent prize winners.

NB. Dette foredrag er en særlig genre, en cocktail af videnskab og humor: oplev fire forelæsere med afsæt i den skøre pris 'Ig Nobel Prize' som er kendt under sloganet 'first laugh, then think'. Du vil først høre prisens stifter, Marc Abrahams, fortælle om prisen og derefter vil tre af prisvinderne præsentere den forskning de fik prisen for. Det er svært i ord at beskrive Ig Nobel Prize - overvej at tage chancen og oplev det. (Foredraget foregår på engelsk).

Meet some of the researchers who have received the alternative Nobel Prize - the Ig Nobel Prize.

It is hard to describe the Ig Nobel Prize and the lectures of the price winners in particular - you need to experience it.

The award ceremony takes place every year in a blaze of publicity at a great gala ceremony at Harvard University, USA, and is orchestrated by the founder of the prize, Marc Abrahams.

The Ig Nobel Prize highlights ten research results of the year that are exceptionally creative, unlikely and bizarre, though still serious. To put it in another way: The prize is awarded to "peculiar research" that initially makes us laugh and afterwards gives us food for thought.

The prize covers a wide range of sciences, yet with the main emphasis on natural science, medicine, and social science. In general, the prizes are given to respected and serious research that has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The evening begins with a short lecture from the founder, Marc Abrahams, who will talk about the prize, the ceremony at Harvard University and some of the recent prize winners and their research "which neither can or should be repeated". Later on, three Ig Nobel Prize winners will explain and perhaps demonstrate their prize-winning achievements:

Warning: The lectures are not suitable for the humourless :-)

Læs mere om foredraget, se billeder og læs om evt. pladsreservation

Foredraget streames live fra Aarhus Universitet og er led i serien Offentlige foredrag i Naturvidenskab som arrangeres af Aarhus Universitet og udbydes i samarbejde med værter i en række byer og Carlsbergfondet.
Hvis du vil modtage bonusmateriale og tippes om kommende foredrag, så følg foredragenes nyhedsbrev eller sociale medier.
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Cornelis Vreeswijk: Nogle går rundt

Cornelis Vreeswijk: Nogle går rundt

Cornelis Vreeswijk var en legende - og ikke kun i den hollandsk-fødte troubadours adopterede hjemland, Sverige. Han var poet, sangskriver, samfundskritiker - og pænt umådeholdende i forhold til kærlighed, alkohol og stoffer.
Cornelis Vreeswijk var en legende - og ikke kun i den hollandsk-fødte troubadours adopterede hjemland, Sverige. Han var poet, sangskriver, samfundskritiker - og pænt umådeholdende i forhold til kærlighed, alkohol og stoffer.

Magnus Gertten (som havde stor succes med sin film om Björn Afzelius, 'Tusen bitar') behersker virkelig kunsten at blotlægge en artist gennem dennes værk og liv. 'Cornelis Vreeswijk: Nogle går rundt i udtrådte sko' er en både filmisk og musikalsk oplevelse - med Cornelis' stemme som bærende element. Filmen kommer vidt omkring i sin mangefacetterede hovedpersons univers - naturligvis med stærkt fokus på hans sympati for og kærlighed til samfundets mest udsatte.
Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

Udspiller sig på et krydstogtskib på vej mod Caribien. Nanna har inviteret sin datter Cille og hendes bedste veninde med på et krydstogt for at fejre Cilles 18-års fødselsdag.
Udspiller sig på et krydstogtskib på vej mod Caribien. Nanna har inviteret sin datter Cille og hendes bedste veninde med på et krydstogt for at fejre Cilles 18-års fødselsdag.

Forventningerne er høje, og de har store planer for dagene om bord på krydstogtet. Men allerede første nat forvandles deres drømmeferie til et mareridt, da Cille bliver fundet, udsat for et overgreb. Chokeret indser Nanna, at hun selv må agere, for at sikre at retfærdigheden sker fyldest. Filmen er et intenst drama om en mors vedholdende søgen efter retfærdighed og sin datters kærlighed.
Kilde: Nordisk Film.