Opening recital: Trio Tapestry


Soundscape. Soundscape by Møn Sommerkoncert 2024, 7. Edition. "Opening recital: Trio Tapestry". Soundscape by Møn Sommerkoncert opens its doors for the first time to its 7th edition with a very special recital,..

Featuring the award winning pianist Karla Haltenwanger from Trio Boulanger and our two artistic directors, Alena & Niklas Walentin.

The program consists of famous masterpieces by Brahms and Prokofiev, next to works by Rota, Beach and Bonis

Saftstationen Damme, Fanefjord Kirkevej 35, Askeby

Mandag den 26. august 2024

Pris: (Entré: 190 kr)

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