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IMPACT - The future starts here. The event is filled with artistic performances, green workshops, fashion & art, surplus dinner, and live music. All of this while dreaming up a sustainable future - and the best part is - it's free!

Join us for Koldings most exciting sustainability event!

IMPACT - The Future Starts Here is an event filled with artistic performances, green workshops, fashion & art, surplus dinner, and live music. All of this while dreaming up a sustainable future - and the best part is, it is all for free!

27th April, 15:00 - 21:00 (Followed by an afterparty at the one and only Pitstop)

Ewii House, Sct. Jørgens Gade 1, 6000 Kolding

Explore the future by immersing yourself into our 3 different areas

//Get creative and wild with FUTURE FASHION by upcycling and upgrading second hand items.

//Explore smart ways of living through our green workshop stations in our LIVING LAB

//Or get inspired and chill in the ASCENDING ATMOSPHERE Area by co-creating art, fascinating performances, a cozy sustainable surplus dinner and cool tunes by Artists from Ung Scene and DJ Sanitizer

Save the date and stay tuned for Kolding's coolest green event of the year!
Lørdag den 27. april 2024, 15:00 - 21:00. Fri entré
Ewii House - Det gamle elværk, Sct. Jørgens Gade 1, Kolding


Kolding Kalenderen - En del af Kunstgruppen | Storgaden 70, 6052 Viuf - Danmark | Tlf.: 23425637 | hku@kunstdesign.dk