Empire Bio

Guldbergsgade 29F, København N

Dienstag 18. Juni 2024, 20.

Film: Sonstige Filme

Pitchblack Playback: Sigur Rós 'Ágætis byrjun'

*Please arrive by event start time as latecomers will not be admitted and refunds will not be offered*. Experience othis epic Icelandic classic in all its glory at Pitchblack Playback's album listening session in the dark.

Hear this classic record played in uncompressed 16-bit audio through every speaker of our Screen Three sound system. Hear and feel every nuance. No distractions; just you and the music.

"This sounds great" - Rick Rubin
"It's the way I remember experiencing music when I was a teenager, turning out the lights and just allowing myself to be carried away by the music" - Steven Wilson
"A fabulous idea" - Jay Kay, Jamiroquai
"I have an out-of-body experience every time I go" - Jonny, artist manager

Ticket includes Pitchblack Playback eye mask for extra darkness.

As recommended by The Guardian, GQ, Time Out and Newsweek.

Album duration: 71 minutes.

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