Lygten Station

Lygten 2, København NV

Torsdag den 2. maj 2024, kl. 19-21.

Show/stand up

English Comedy Night // Seeing Double

Two international comedy double acts will take the stage in this glorious night of English comedy. After the break, two become four as they join forces to create a show just for you. A lot happens in a hotel.

See for yourself as award-winning improvisers Adrian Mackinder and Sarah McGillion invite you to spy through the keyhole on three unrelated and completely improvised stories, all taking place in the same hotel room. Sharing decades of professional performing experience, this duo's spontaneous and surprising show will appeal to the voyeur in us all....éSir.Réal invites you down the rabbit hole! Owen and Martin will delight and amaze you with hilarious characters and situations. Be ready for an absurdist adventure with twists and turns as you venture into their imaginations.With a combined 15 years' improv comedy experience, spanning three continents and seven countries; this duo is sure to leave you in stitches 18:30.

Entré: 75 kr