AOF Vejle

Sønderbrogade 34, 1. sal, Vejle

Søndag den 16. juni 2024, kl. 10-14.30.


Watercolor Magical forest

Hi! Come join me for an inspirational watercolor workshop focusing on patterns and textures. We will be working with simple shapes and how we can use them to make magical compositions by layering watercolor.

During the workshop we will talk about color and lean a bit of color theory together with color mixing techniques
After doing introductory exercises, we will complete an A4 magical forest painting in the colors of your linking.

The workshop last 4,5 hours. It will be in English, unless exclusively Danes sign up. Danish directions and guidance will be available as well.

All levels are welcome, and no prior knowledge of watercolors is needed
Feel free to send a message if you have questions about the artistic part of the workshop
My email is

If you have administrative questions about the course, please contact AOF.

Niveau: Workshoppen henvender sig til nybegyndere og til de let øvede eller til kreative sjæle der gerne vil bruge mere tid på at male med akvarel.

Pris: 50 kr. per person i materialer

Underviser: Olivia Sorensen
Hold: 9124102204.

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