Hotel Cecil

Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, København K

Fredag den 31. maj 2024, kl. 19-02.


The Lullaby Kiki Ball by Mother Yoni Mercury and Maluna Mercury

The Lullaby Kiki Ball - Facebook event link. Did today drain you? Don't worry, the day is finally over. Night has fallen and both the moon and stars are looking gently down.

Soon you can rest your mind and body and float away from the stress, struggle and hustle.Washed your hands and brushed your teeth? Curtains down, phone down. Goodnight and sleep tight.Oh, but before we close the lights, there's one last thing...
Welcome to the Lullaby Kiki Ball!Tonight we shall dive into the mystic and abstract world of dreams, explore and confront our own nightmares. We want you to look dreamy so remember to get you 8 hours every night! The bedbugs won't bite, but the next bitch might..Mother Yoni Mercury and Maluna Mercury wishes you a good night's sleep.

What is ballroom?Ballroom is an underground subculture created by and for the BIPOC LGBTQIA+ community in Harlem, New York. It stems from racism within drag pageant culture and has developed since the 1920s to what we know today. A ball is a space where you compete in categories varying between fashion, performance and passing into the hetero- cisnormative society.Be mindful about the space you take up at a ball and make sure to do some research before attending.

Graphics by Tygah Mercury.
