

Tirsdag den 30. april 2024, 19.00-21.00.


Curious about the nuances of Danish culture?

Join us around the virtual campfire for "Danish Culture is an 'Extreme'" webinar! Curious about the nuances of Danish culture? Whether you're a newcomer to Denmark or a local looking for deeper insights, this webinar is for you!

Discover the warmth of Danish (Extreme) equality, trust, homegeneity, tolerance, inforamtilty, privacy, sarcasm, irony and dark humor.

Anatolie Cantir will delve into sociocultural, antronoplogical and histroical aspects, offering a humorous, serious and provocaive look at Danish mentality.

Learn how these values manifest in daily life and what they mean for international living in Denmark and danes alike.

Don´t miss out on decoding the essence of Danish culture.

Register at https://brmv.nemtilmeld.dk/113/

The webinar is hosted in cooperation withe the following five municipalities: Ringkøbing-Skjern, Herning, Lemvig, Ikast-Brande and Skive.

You are welcome to join the webinar if you are a citizen in of of these municipalities.

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