Kayak Bar

Børskaj 12, København K

Fredag den 26. april 2024, kl. 21-03.


Welcome to Baile Techno!

The wait is finally over!Baile Tehcno just arrived in Denmark to save you from the same thing over and over. We bring you a fine selection of baile funk, afrobeat, EDM, world music, Phonk, and whatever makes you dance like there is no tomorrow.

On our first edition, Ligis will be making a refined selection of "baile funk" and other Brazilian goodies, alongside "classic" stuff that sure will trigger happy memories!
Then, take a deep breath for DJ AvontZ session, which will be filled with underground baile funk, EDM and Techno mashups, afrobeat, phok, trap, and more.

Entré: 60 kr