The Central Storehouse

Strandvænget 45, Roskilde

Onsdag den 22. maj 2024, kl. 09-12.45.


Curater tour of the exhibition 'Living Dead Time' including transportation

Take the bus from Copenhagen directly to the exhibition Living Dead Time by Italian artist Danilo Correale, and participate in an exclusive curator-led tour. (Free of charge).

Living Dead Time is the second exhibition in a series of artistic endeavors unfolding at the former psychiatric hospital, Sct. Hans, as part of the Museum of Contemporary Art's three-year exhibition program on mental health, psychiatry, and recreation.
In Living Dead Time Italian artist Danilo Correale transforms the raw spaces of the former laundry, The Central Storehouse, into a scenic office installation, a dream scenario of a future without work, and an in-depth study of sleep. The audience is invited to a quiet confrontation with the hyper-productive society, challenging our desire to constantly deliver and optimize time. The exhibition is open until July 14.
Time schedule
9:00 AM: Bus departure from Ingerslevsgade behind the Central Station.
Pickup: about 100 meters down Ingerslevsgade from Tietgensbroen. Look for a sign in the bus window with the Museum of Contemporary Art's logo.
10:00 - 11:00 AM: Guided tour of "Living Dead Time" by Danilo Correale. Address: The Central Storehouse, Strandvænget 45, 4000 Roskilde
11:30 AM:
Bus departure to Copenhagen from The Central Storehouse, Sct. Hans
12:30 PM:
Arrival at the University of Copenhagen. Address: Njalsgade 76
12:45 PM:
Arrival at Ingerslevsgade for those continuing onwards.
Photo: David Stjernholm, The Central Storehouse.

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