Huset KBH Husets Biograf

Rådhusstræde 13, København K

Mandag den 10. juni 2024, kl. 19-21.


Sexy beast (2000)

18.00 = CINEMA CAFE OPENS (This is the sixth installment of a new monthly series called "Projector Podcast"). 19:00 = "SEXY BEAST," directed by Jonathan Glazer, 2000, 89 minutes.

Projector Pod presents... a celebration of rough, risky and bold artistic vision with a series of hand-picked Y2K cult classics which if you don't already know and love, you should... Ebba and Macon of the 'Projector Pod' podcast present a series of personal Greatest Hits from the golden age of DVDs and bring them to you on the big screen... Join them at Husets Biograf for a screening, followed by a 'live podcast' chat about the film. Audience participation is encouraged. So is beer. Hope to see you there.
NOTE TO THE PUBLIC; If the show is cancelled for any reason you will get a full refund, but, if the show takes place and if for some reason you cannot make it, we cannot refund your money - you need to give your ticket to a friend or sell it onwards yourself, in which case it is helpful if you e-mail the name change on to our house manager, Jack, at ... and also feel free to contact him directly if you have any other questions.

Entré: 70 kr

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