DJØF, Dansk Jurist- og Økonom Forbund

Gothersgade 133, København K

Torsdag den 16. maj 2024, kl. 09.30-11.30.


Change Your Career Workshop

English Job Denmark has partnered with Djøf, one of the biggest unions in Denmark with over 107,000 members, who work at all levels in the private and public sector in the fields of law, economics, and communications.

The Career Change Workshop is designed for internationals to help you with your personal development & values, so you can understand how to re-establish yourself, & use your transferable skills in a new role.
Our host, Leslea Petersen, will guide you in how to work out your next steps, so you know where and how to find that perfect job.
The workshop will be interactive and give you the opportunity to ask questions throughout.
The workshop will cover:
Identify your Core Values and discover your 'Why' and what values will help you distinguish what job and type of organisation will be a perfect fit.How to identify your transferable skills into a new roleHow to rebrand & communicate the change to hiring managersHow to recreate a standout profile that will aid employment &build visibilityCV/LinkedIn & social media - key areasHighlight your expertise & knowledge

*No Show=No Refund. No refund within 24 hours of scheduled workshop. Refund less process fee.

Entré: 79 kr