Tirsdag den 21. maj 2024, kl. 17-19.30.


Seminar: Art Beyond Barriers

21. maj 2024 kl. 17-19:30, Det Kongelige Akademi, Auditorium 2, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53, 1434 København K
Arrangeret af UKK - Kunstarbejdere med handicap, Building Diversity, BUILD og O-Overgaden - Institut for Samtidkunst.
Præsentation og paneldebat med fokus på tilgængelighed til kunst- og kulturinstitutioner og fredede bygninger i Danmark. Lancering af projektet: 'Mapping Disability Access to Danish Art Spaces' af UKK Kunstarbejdere med handicap.

Seminaret inviterer til en fælles samtale med diverse aktører, som kan bidrage til at ændre synet på tilgængelighed på kunstinstitutioner og kulturarvsbygninger. Vores fælles tilgang er baseret på nysgerrighed og empati over for personers behov og en interesse for kulturarv. Vær med til at nære en konstruktiv dialog mellem kulturinstitutioner, arkitekter og kunstnere med handicap. På dagen vil UKK kunstarbejdere med handicap præsentere deres banebrydende kortlægnings-projekt 'Mapping disability access to Danish art spaces' med tre individuelle kort.
Seminaret er resultatet af et frugtbart samarbejde mellem:
UKK Kunstarbejdere med handicap - en arbejdsgruppe der arbejder for at skabe bedre vilkår for kunstnere og kunstarbejdere med handicap gennem lige adgang til uddannelse, arbejde og repræsentation.
BUILD - Aalborg Universitet. Forskningsgruppe der forsker i universelt design og hvordan det byggede miljø kan være inkluderende og sundhedsfremmende.
Building Diversity, en non-profit organization der arbejder for at sikre en divers og inkluderende arkitektur at leve i.
og O-Overgaden - Institut for Samtidskunst.
May 21, 2024, 17.00-19:30
Royal Danish Academy
Auditorium 2, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53, 1434 København K
A talk and panel debate focusing on the responsibility of access
in art and cultural spaces and cultural heritage buildings in Denmark through the launch of the project 'Mapping Disability Access to Danish Art Spaces' by UKK Art Workers with Disabilities.
A collective conversation with various stakeholders can significantly help improve the view of accessibility in art spaces and heritage buildings. Our collaborative approach is based on curiosity and empathy, about people's needs, and about cultural heritage. Join us in fostering a constructive dialogue between cultural institutions, architects, and artists with disabilities.

The event will launch to the public the groundbreaking project by UKK Art Workers with Disabilities: Mapping disability access to Danish art spaces.
This event is the result of a fruitful collaboration between: UKK Art Workers with Disabilities a group working to create an environment that meets the needs of art workers with disabilities to have access to the same opportunities and resources as their able-bodied peers.

BUILD - Aalborg University Universal Design Research Group within the Department of the Built Environment researching how the built environment can be inclusive and health-promoting. This applies to all people regardless of age, gender, abilities and ethnicity.

Building Diversity, a non-profit organization working to ensure diverse and inclusive architecture for the world to live in and O-Overgaden one of Denmark's core institutions for experimental contemporary art. This year, O-Overgaden is focusing on experiences of illness, disability, and accessibility (and inaccessibility) through their exhibition program and activities, as well as through the process of establishing access to their listed building.

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