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2/3 2020
Djurslands Folkehøjskole
Drammelstrupvej 15, Trustrup
8400 Ebeltoft
Tlf: 8752 9120
Yderligere information: Hjemmeside
GPS-info: Lat 56.3005, Lon 10.6874
Entré: 200

Viser 2 events fra/efter 4. maj 2024

14. Maj Møder

Historier fra det syge sind

Tirsdag den 14. maj 2024, kl. 19.30.
Pris: Entré: Standard 35 kr Køb/bestil billet
Djurslands Folkehøjskole,
Drammelstrupvej 15, Trustrup, Ebeltoft
Hør historier fra sindets mørkeste afkroge..

Midt på Djursland var der i næsten 100 år en plejecentral for uhelbredeligt sindssyge kvinder. Dette sted danner rammerne, når vi læser historier fra sindets mørkeste afkroge.

I dag drives Djurslands Folkehøjskole på stedet, men tilbage står stadig kapellet og kirkegården, hvor de syge kvinder blev stedt til hvile.

Her serverer vi højtlæsning og beroligende drikkevarer for enhver smag
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19. Maj Undervisning

Ecstatic Dance Aarhus #May24

Søndag den 19. maj 2024, kl. 15-17.
Pris: Entré: 150 kr Køb/bestil billet
Arrangør: Djurslands Folkehøjskole. Turkis, Vester Allé 15, Aarhus C
Dear Dancer. Please come and join our Sunday dance in Aarhus C in the afternoon at turkis. No need to be experienced with dance or have any certain age or gender..

If you love to dance and express yourself through movements, this IS something for you
Next Ecstatic Dance event is Sunday 19th May at 15-17 @turkis, Vester allé 15, 8000 Aarhus C. (Next to Pica Pica)

Doors open at 14:30. Please arrive latest 14:50.

If you get absent or can't join, please sell your ticket to another sweet soul and let me know who is coming instead. If you want you can also buy insurance with your ticket, in case you get ill.


We, LUNI and I, would like to celebrate the love for dancing to electronic music sober, on an afternoon, in Aarhus C.

Vittoria is educated professional dancer from London and she has worked as a dancer, choreographer and teacher for 20 years. Over the past years she has moved her focus more into the therapeutic way of moving. She believes dance is healing. She has facilitated Healing and Ecstatic Dance in Thailand, Spain and Denmark with great success.

Come as you are and bring your bravest friends and dance like nobody is watching, connect with others in a safe space facilitated by Vittoria Lasorella and LUNI who will take you through a musical journey in the melodic electronic genre.

Few guidelines to follow:

No talking

No phones

No alcohol or other substances

Bring an open heart, a playfulness mind, courage and challenge yourself to dance in a safe space where no dance experience is needed and explore your own way of expressing yourself. It's fun and liberating!

Everybody, all ages are welcome. Dress up or wear comfortable clothes and bring water.

The venue is normally for concerts, therefore we recommend you BRING SHOES to dance in.

I will make a gathering to begin with, warming up the body and mind, giving a few guidelines how to explore new ways of moving, connecting and trusting each other and then we dance freely after that. I will finish the session with a group meditation and hopefully we will all feel high on energy and love.

Can't wait to dance with you all!

If any questions, don't hesitate to reach Vittoria:

+4540723336 either via WhatsApp or normal call/sms

Lots of love and light from LUNI and V
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