Arkiv: Overstået event
Teater Momentum

Ny Vestergade 18, Odense C

Lørdag den 16. til tirsdag den 19. september 2023, kl. 16-20.20.



Obs. Forestillingen er på engelsk. LEAR. A physical performance about loss, loss of control and loss of each other - inspired by Shakespeares King Lear.

The dancers will mix clowns with modern dance and create the performance alongside the audience, through the questions: What do you have? And what have you lost?

The three clowns Regan, Goneril and Cordelia are in an constant state of excitement, between the polished and the 'authentic'; between beautiful ideals and the real human contact. The dancers are pressed to their limits in an effort to win the audience over to their side, in a fast-paced and thought provoking performance, about what happens when the superficial struggle for recognition makes us miss real genuine love.

Dramaturgi Kitter Krebs
Iscenesættelse og koreografi Marie Keiser-Nielsen
Medvirkende Cecilie Schyth Kjær, Anne-Sofie Pi Østergaard og Anna Emilie Lauge Pedersen
Komponist Christian Galea
Foto Marie Keiser-Nielsen.