Arkiv: Overstået event

Bispebjerg Torv 1, København NV

Fredag den 12. april 2024, kl. 18-19.


På tværs - misspresence

Dancing with absent. picking up what is left. Feeling connected. what cannot be expressed will be shared. Pieces of plucked memory, enchanted by what has not been listened to.

Tremors and snares give sound to the bones floating in the body. the trials undertaken, the games played, the militaries and the carnival mentioned.
Under the cover of a net that no one uses, plastic that no one wants, the presence of those who are not here. we will structure a space to deconstruct it together.
The project is a participatory, performative response to current research being shared and deepened with a friend and participant.

Performance: Rodrigo Varela, Paulina Rewucka
Facilitation: Paulina Rewucka
Light design: Ingunn Fjellang Sæther
Music design: R'my Gouffault
Consultation: Micaela Kühn Jara, Dorte Bjerre Jensen, Anna Nowak
Thanks to: Vera Rosner, Janne Weidinger Kristensen, Laura Navndrup Black.