Arkiv: Overstået event
Scenen Sofiehof Underjord

Brunnsgatan 13, Jönköping

Fredag den 14. juni 2024, kl. 20-01.


Kælan Mikla + Stilla havet @ The Hush Hush Club

The Hush Hush Club presenterar Kælan Mikla + Stilla Havet. 20:00. 18+. Här kan du kolla in Kælan Mikla:.
Här kan du kolla in Stilla Havet:

Kælan Mikla was founded in 2013 as an entry in a poetry competition. In the following years they continued to emerge and establish themselves as a solid part of the Reykjavik grassroots scene. In 2015, the song Kalt was released and attracted a lot of attention abroad. Subsequently, the band began performing with various well-known bands abroad. Over the past five years Kælan Mikla have travelled continuously and have released three LPs. Robert Smith, the front-man of the immortal band The Cure is a big fan and has booked Kælan Mikla to play at the various festivals he has curated, alongside iconic bands such as Pixies, Slowdive, Deftones, as well as having them solely open for the rock band Placebo. Following the release of their third LP, Nótt eftir nótt, they have gained a large audience amongst fans of dark and dreary music, but what really makes Kælan Mikla stand out is the strong audiovisual adventure through their magical world that is constantly evolving and always leaves the crowd with a memorable concert experience. Their fourth album will be released 2021 which mostly revolves around folklore and fairytales, drawing the band even deeper into their realm of magic and mysticism.

Stockholmsduon bestående av Elias Eriksson och August Borg har lyckats spränga allting
som kan kallas för språkbarriärer, efter turnerandet i Tyskland, Frankrike, och i Japan och
Thailand, så sent som i juni 2023. Med en holistisk syn på syntpop och dess estetik blir Stilla
Havet en universell angelägenhet. När de sjunger om missade tåg från Enskede gård i
Frusna tårar är det bara en sinnesstämning - vi kan lika gärna vara på Shibuya Station eller
Köln Hauptbahnhof. För det är musik som slår an i många.

Entré: 300 kr