Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads

Blågårds Plads 6A, København N

Tisdag 11 juni 2024, kl. 20-21.


Christian Winther Christensen - Children's Songs

Christian. Winther Christensen - Children's. Songs. Den. danske komponist Christian Winther Christensens værk Children's. Songs,. der er skrevet til det tyske Ensemble Ascolta, kredser om et barns. univers.

Kitschede små figurer og citater fra en verden af
børnemusik - en verden, som gennem musikhistorien har antaget et
væld af forskellige former - samt fortolkninger af de forunderlige
lyde, der opstår i børns interaktion med legetøj, har været med
til at forme dette intense, magiske værk for syv musikere og en

blev uropført i en kortere version på Donaueschingen i 2022, men er
nu med støtte fra KLANG blevet videreudviklet til et selvstændigt
koncertværk på 45 minutter. Christian Winther Christensen har
igennem sit mangeårige virke som komponist befundet sig i et legende
musikalsk univers, men i Children's
har det legende fået en helt særlig betydning. Værkets musikalske
referencer, har han fortalt, er ikke til musikken fra hans egen
barndom. Derimod fik han en helt ny fascination af og forståelse for
barnets univers, da han selv blev far til to.

Ascolta har siden 2003 arbejdet for at udvide rammerne for
kompositionsmusikken gennem koncerter, som inkorporerer elementer fra
teater, video-, performance-, og installationskunst samt rockmusik -
og nu altså også børnesange.

Songs er støttet af SWR, KODA Culture and Statens Kunstfond.
Eventfotos af Astrid Karger & Heinz Bunse

Danish composer Christian Winther Christensen's work Children's
Songs, written for the German Ensemble Ascolta, revolves around a
child's universe. Kitschy little figurations and quotes from the
world of children's music - a world which has taken a multitude of
different forms throughout the history of music - as well as
interpretations of the wondrous sounds that arise from children's
interaction with toys contribute to shaping this intense, magical
work for seven musicians and a radio.

was first performed in a shorter version at Donaueschingen in 2022
but has now been further developed with the support of KLANG into an
independent concert work of 45 minutes. Throughout his many years as
a composer, Christian Winther Christensen has operated within a
decidedly playful musical universe, but in Children's Songs, the
playful has taken on a very special meaning. The piece's musical
references, he has said, are not to the music of his own childhood.
On the other hand, he gained a completely new fascination with and
understanding of the child's universe when he himself became a father
of two

2003, Ensemble Ascolta has worked to expand the framework of
classical music through concerts that incorporate elements from
theatre, video, performance, and installation art as well as rock
music - and now also children's songs.

Entré: 90 kr