
Godthåbsvej 21 C, Frederiksberg

Måndag 23 september 2024 till måndag 2 december 2024, 10 mødegange kl. 10-13.

Arrangör: AOF Center Storkøbehavn HKbyg


David's Class

Get qualified, professional help in a highly unusual art class where anything is possible: all themes and techniques, realistic or abstract, all media.every imaginable approach. Do it your way - but learn how to do it better!

This is a class for artists who genuinely wish to improve, while also developing a unique, personal- and sophisticated- voice. For everyone - beginners and advanced
David is a professional artist and has a lifetime of experience in doing- as well as teaching- it at the highest level for many years, internationally.
Teaching will be held in easy-to-understand English. Translations into Danish whenever needed. Students themselves may speak Danish if they prefer.

If you have questions about the course, contact the teacher at:

Frederiksberg og Københavns kommune giver forhøjet tilskud til særlige grupper. Hvis du vælger prisen for særlige grupper, så erklærer du på tro og love, at du er enten studerende på SU, lærling med uddannelsesaftale, på efterløn, folke- eller førtidspension, eller modtager arbejdsløshedsdagpenge, kontanthjælp, revaliderings-, integrations- eller kontantydelse. AOF kan kræve dokumentation herfor ved tilmelding eller senere

Underviser: David Ellis Isenberg
Hold: 1724202101.

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