Paolo's Jazz Club

Vollerupgade 55, Askeby

Torsdag 4 juli 2024, kl. 20-22.


Band Au Neon

Tania Naranjo - Elegancia brutalTania Naranjo is a wonderful and versatile pianist, singer and composer.

She encapsulates a powerful expressive, yet subtle and exquisite musicality that tells us of the years of activity in Sweden but also reminds us of her homeland Chile - a diversity that reflects in her music and voice.

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Tania Naranjo is one of Scandinavia's most versatile concert pianists, singers and composers. She was born and raised in Santiago de Chile. From an early age, she developed a strong passion for classical piano and Chilean folk music.
Today she resides in Sweden, holding a successful career as a concert pianist, singer, and composer. Tania has been touring all over Scandinavia, Europe & South America and performed in international festivals as a solo concertist, accompanied by symphonic orchestras, and also with her own constellations.
She composed scores for film, theatre, opera, dance, symphonic orchestras -as well as music for ensembles & string quartets. In 2017, The Swedish National Radio commissioned her work "Soleil" and her latest composition "Duel of hearts" commissioned by the Malmö Symphony Orchestra was premiered in September 2021. Also, the film "THE APE STAR" (produced by Leefilm) with premiere 2021, credits her as the music score composer and performer. Tania's first children opera "NALLE HAVSÖGA" commissioned by Operaverkstan/Malmö Opera to be premiered in april 2024
Regarding tickets and payment:
Limited Early Bird tickets available until one week before the concert or until sold out.
If your funds are limited please contact us directly for a flexible ticket price.
If the concert is not sold out - tickets at the door 300 DKK (40euro)
Payment at Paolo's Jazz Club: MobilePay or cash (DKK or EUR).

Entré: 275 kr

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