Odense Domkirke (Skt. Knuds Kirke)

Klingenberg 18, Odense C

Onsdag den 10. juli 2024, kl. 14.


Klokkespilskoncert med Elizabeth Vitu

Internationale sommerkoncerter i Odense Domkirke Traditionen tro slår Odense Domkirke dørene op for en perlerække af flotte koncerter med internationalt anerkendte kunstnere fra ind- og udland i juli måned. Der er fri entré til alle koncerter!

Første koncert er onsdag den 10. juli kl. 14.00 - Klokkespilskoncert med Elizabeth Vitu Elizabeth Vitu (°1957) studied the carillon for nine years with Charles Chapman in Luray, Virginia and participated in his work sessions with Johan Franco and LaSalle Spier. She pursued her carillon studies at Hollins University which created a music degree in carillon for her, and studied with James Leland, Roy Hamlin Johnson, John Diercks and had an internship with Milford Myhre. Upon receiving her diploma with honors, she then studied for two years with Jacques Lannoy at the Ecole Française de Carillon in Douai. Elizabeth was named assistant-carillonneur of the Perpignan Cathedral from 1999-2005 and was named carillonneur by Episcopal decree as of January 1st 2006. She is also responsible for organizing the Perpignan International Carillon Festival, has recently been appointed Assistant Carillonneur in Carcassonne, and is professor of carillon at the Perpignan Regional Conservatory of Music. In September 2016, after four years of study with Koen Cosaert, Eddy Marien and Tom van Peer, Elizabeth received her diploma with distinction from the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen.

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