iisnode encountered an error when processing the request.

HTTP status: 500
HTTP subStatus: 1013
HTTP reason: Internal Server Error

You are receiving this HTTP 200 response because system.webServer/iisnode/@devErrorsEnabled configuration setting is 'true'.

In addition to the log of stdout and stderr of the node.exe process, consider using debugging and ETW traces to further diagnose the problem.

The node.exe process has not written any information to stderr or iisnode was unable to capture this information. Frequent reason is that the iisnode module is unable to create a log file to capture stdout and stderr output from node.exe. Please check that the identity of the IIS application pool running the node.js application has read and write access permissions to the directory on the server where the node.js application is located. Alternatively you can disable logging by setting system.webServer/iisnode/@loggingEnabled element of web.config to 'false'.

iisnode encountered an error when processing the request.

HTTP status: 500
HTTP subStatus: 1013
HTTP reason: Internal Server Error

You are receiving this HTTP 200 response because system.webServer/iisnode/@devErrorsEnabled configuration setting is 'true'.

In addition to the log of stdout and stderr of the node.exe process, consider using debugging and ETW traces to further diagnose the problem.

The node.exe process has not written any information to stderr or iisnode was unable to capture this information. Frequent reason is that the iisnode module is unable to create a log file to capture stdout and stderr output from node.exe. Please check that the identity of the IIS application pool running the node.js application has read and write access permissions to the directory on the server where the node.js application is located. Alternatively you can disable logging by setting system.webServer/iisnode/@loggingEnabled element of web.config to 'false'.



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25/2 2020
Enghøj Kirke
Enghøj Allé 10
8920 Randers NV
Tlf: 24 94 50 20
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GPS-info: Lat 56.4871, Lon 10.0007

Enghøj Sogn, Randers-Hadsten Provsti, Århus Stift

Viser 19 events fra/efter 2. jun. 2024

28. Jul Gudstjeneste

Gudstjeneste: 9. s. e. trin

Søndag den 28. juli 2024, kl. 10.
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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4. Aug Gudstjeneste

Gudstjeneste: 10. s. e. trin

Søndag den 4. august 2024, kl. 10.
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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11. Aug Gudstjeneste

Gudstjeneste: 11. s. e. trin

Søndag den 11. august 2024, kl. 10.
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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14. Aug Andet/Ukendt

Koncert med Jysk Akademisk Kor

Onsdag den 14. august 2024, kl. 19.30.
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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18. Aug Gudstjeneste

Gudstjeneste: 12. s. e. trin

Søndag den 18. august 2024, kl. 10.
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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25. Aug Gudstjeneste

Gudstjeneste: 13. s. e. trin

Søndag den 25. august 2024, kl. 10.
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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31. Aug Ekskursion


Lørdag den 31. august 2024, kl. 08-18.
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
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29. Sep Klassisk

Koncert med Concert Clemens

Søndag den 29. september 2024, kl. 16.00.
Pris: Fri entré
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
Vokalgruppen Concert Clemens gæster Randers Kirkemusikfestival med et a cappellaprogram bygget op omkring sværvægtere fra det 20. århundredes korlitteratur. Titlen til koncertprogrammet er hentet fra Davidssalme 121, som også indgår i dagens program..
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Torsdag den 24. oktober 2024, kl. 18:15.
Pris: Fri entré
Enghøj Kirke,
Enghøj Allé 10, Randers NV
½ t aftensang med sanger Kasper Laursen Wittrup og organist Britta Nedergaard Hansen. De præsentere et afvekslende program af både kendte og mindre kendte værker med bl.a. musik af Erik Sommer. Der bliver også fællessange, så alle kan være med..
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iisnode encountered an error when processing the request.

HTTP status: 500
HTTP subStatus: 1013
HTTP reason: Internal Server Error

You are receiving this HTTP 200 response because system.webServer/iisnode/@devErrorsEnabled configuration setting is 'true'.

In addition to the log of stdout and stderr of the node.exe process, consider using debugging and ETW traces to further diagnose the problem.

The node.exe process has not written any information to stderr or iisnode was unable to capture this information. Frequent reason is that the iisnode module is unable to create a log file to capture stdout and stderr output from node.exe. Please check that the identity of the IIS application pool running the node.js application has read and write access permissions to the directory on the server where the node.js application is located. Alternatively you can disable logging by setting system.webServer/iisnode/@loggingEnabled element of web.config to 'false'.