Mølholm Skole

Tankegangen 5, Vejle

Friday 31 May 2024 to Friday 21 June 2024, 3 mødegange 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm.

Organizer: AOF Vejle


Thai food

Thai cuisine is a delicate blend of herbs, spices and fresh foods with special cooking styles. Each dish or the entire meal has a mix of spicy, sour, sweet and salty to create a harmonious finish.

In this course, we will create some typical Thai foods that a lot of diners
Menu example:
Son Tam papaya salad
Pad Thai
Mango sticky rice
Stir fried chicken with cashew
Kao pad (pineapple stir fried rice)

The class is in English and is suitable for complete beginners.

Raw ingredients is paid to the teacher at the class

Underviser: Phung Nguyen Yen
Hold: 9124119002.

Read more on the website