Spillestedet Stengade

Stengade 18, Copenhagen N

Tuesday 6 August 2024, 8 pm - 11.59 pm.


Sheer Mag [US]

Sheer Mags sensibilitet, som er lige så inderligt elsket af garagerockere og indie-børn, som den er af læder- og nitterloyale punkere, finder sin styrke i en utraditionel blanding af raffineret kompleksitet og ligefrem pop-dygtighed.

Med sømløs handel mellem hoveddrejende guitar-helte spil og en charmerende tidløs blanding af disco, hård rock og garagebøjede hooks, har Sheer Mags ofte refererede, aldrig replikerede lyd spillet en unægtelig stor rolle i at stimulere den aktuelle genopblussen af powerpop fremadrettet rockmusik.Koncerten præsenteres i samarbejde med Killtown Bookings og Swamp Bookings. Sheer Mag: Sheer Mag have labored to carve out a discernibly singular position within the canon of contemporary rock: toggling with ease between the refined flourishes of a "connoisseur's band" and the ecstatic colloquialism of populist songwriting-yet displaying no strict loyalty to either camp-their sound, while oft-referenced, is unmistakably and immediately recognizable as theirs alone. On Playing Favorites, Sheer Mag's third full-length and first with Third Man Records, the band capitalize on a decade's worth of devotion to their own collective spirit-a spirit refined in both the sweaty trenches of punk warehouses and the larger-than-life glamour of concert halls-emerging with a dense work of gripping emotions, massive hooks, and masterfully constructed power-pop anthems. Playing Favoritesexpands with a sense of undeniable vitality, buoyed by rock and roll's singular capacity to channel a relentless compassion for human life: as singer Tina Halladay puts it, "Nobody seems to write straight up rock bangers anymore-more than anything else, we want this record to put huge, catchy songwriting front and center." This is the record the Philadelphian rock and roll four-piece has always been destined to make.https://www.facebook.com/Sheer...https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.instagram.com/shee...--------------------------------------------------------------------Entry: 160 kr (Limited Amount Early Bird on sale until 29th of February 3pm) / 185 kr normal pre-sale / 200 kr at the door!

Entrance fee: 160 DKK