Lygten Station

Lygten 2, Copenhagen NV

Wednesday 15 May 2024, 7 pm - 8.30 pm.

Show/Stand up

English Comedy Night // UltraHand and Guests

UltaHands and Guests - A celebration of improv comedy! Prepare for an epic night of non-stop laughter and captivating entertainment at Inconspicuous Comedy's Improv Comedy Night! Experience the magic of UltraHands: Surrealism Unleashed!

Join us for a night of spontaneous laughter with Sarah McGillion and Martin Baré and guests from the Inconspicuous Comedy Ensemble.* Unscripted, unforgettable comedy that will transport you into a world of hilarity
Spontaneous or improvisational, comedy has no script or predetermined dialogue. Think sketch comedy but not even the performers know what will happen before it does. The charm comes from the audience watching the actors on stage discover sketches in the moment and right in front of their eyes.
How can we prove it's not scripted? Well, you are the one to give us the inspiration for the show! Come, sit back, and laugh along with us as comedians weave your ideas into a tapestry of comedy gold!
Recommended age limit of 16+
To stay up to date with all of our Inconspicuous Comedy shows check out the website at

Entrance fee: 75 DKK

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