Huset KBH Musikcaféen

Rådhusstræde 13, 3. sal, Copenhagen K

Wednesday 29 May 2024, 8 pm - 11 pm.


FELT x Huset: Princess Diana of Wales + support: Emil Palme

Oplev en unik aften med Princess Diana Of Wales, aka Laila Sakini, når hun indtager scenen i Musikcaféen! Laila er DJ, producer, musiker og vokalist med rødder i Melbourne og base i London.

Ved at bruge klaver, stemme, guitar, fundne lyde og stilhed, skaber Laila dynamiske og levende landskaber, der giver lytteren plads til at fortolke og tillægge egen mening ind i musikken. Ved liveoptrædener trækker hun delikate elementer fra sin diskografi og inviterer publikum ind i en intim arena, hvor musikalske fragmenter opbygges via improvisation og følelser i realtid.
Nu kan du opleve Princess Diana of Wales stemningsfulde musikunivers, når det københavnske pladeselskab FELT i samarbejde med HUSET inviterer til en sanselig aften i Musikcaféens intime atmosfære.

Support: Emil Palme
Emil Palme er en grænsesøgende komponist og guitarist, hvis praksis er forankret i skandinavisk folklore og eksperimenterende musik. Sten stryges som buer mod elguitarens strenge, der i messende og klagende mønstre frembringer en dystopisk og ceremoniel urlyd, der i grænsen mellem komposition og improvisation bruges til at udfolde musikken. Der findes en slags urkraft og en vital enkelhed i Palmes musik, som kan sammenlignes med visse af afkroge af Morton Feldman eller den nye Malone/O'Malley-koalition. Emil Palmes debut album Ripen udkom sidste efterår på det britiske label First Terrace Records og følger flere roste album med bla. nowave-bandet Baujillaud, guitarduoen Yngel og hans medvirken i den gotiske folkduo Bona Fide. Ripen handler om at "fuldende" - men også om de forræderiske stier, som naturen dikterer at alt levende skal gå, og den uundgåelige opløsning af formål, der opstår efter en fuldkommenhed. Boomkat: " Palme's laser-sharp focus on the guitar is refreshing, and his dextrous, unusual playing keeps our ears engaged throughout." As sound slowly fades: This is skeletal music set to a glacial pace, able to evoke huge plains and moods with the slightest of touches, which is working well for my morning commute.
Experience a unique evening with Princess Diana Of Wales, also known as Laila Sakini, as she graces the stage at Musikcaféen!
Hailing from Melbourne and now based in London, Laila wears many hats - DJ, producer, musician, and vocalist.
With her signature blend of piano, vocals, guitar, found sounds, and moments of silence, Laila crafts dynamic and immersive landscapes, providing listeners with the freedom to interpret and infuse their own emotions into her music. During her live performances, she delicately weaves elements from her discography, inviting the audience into an intimate space where musical fragments are assembled through improvisation and real-time emotions.
In collaboration with the Copenhagen record label FELT, we invite you to immerse yourself into the athmospheric universe of Princess Diana of Wales at Musikcaféen.

Support: Emil Palme
Emil Palme is an experimental composer and guitarist whose practice is rooted in Scandinavian folklore and experimental music. His solo work follows many acclaimed outings with his guitar duo Yngel, as well as performances with the late Manuel Göttsching and with Clarissa Connelly in her touring band. Stroking and scratching the strings of his instrument with self-made bows of stone, the Danish artist conjures mesmerising ceremonial patterns which unfold in the misty nether zone between composition and improvisation. There is a primeval quality to the music, and a vital simplicity which begs comparison to certain stark turns by Morton Feldman or more recently the Malone/O'Malley coalition. His debut album "Ripen" was released last autumn by First Terrace Records. Boomkat: " Palme's laser-sharp focus on the guitar is refreshing, and his dextrous, unusual playing keeps our ears engaged throughout." As sound slowly fades: This is skeletal music set to a glacial pace, able to evoke huge plains and moods with the slightest of touches, which is working well for my morning commute. Ripen is a kind of mystical treatise on the act of "completing" - the treacherous paths that nature dictates all living things must walk, and the inevitable disintegration of purpose that comes after a period of toil.

Entrance fee: 50 DKK